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本文始於2018.08,以R19.1示範如何在Twin Builder (Simplorer)內使用VHDL-AMS Library. 本文所介紹的功能,需要有Twin Builder license.

  1. What is VHDL-AMS?

  2. Simplorer Built-in VHDL-AMS

  3. VHDL-AMS Hands-on

  4. VHDL Free Resource

  5. Q&A

  6. Reference

  1. What is VHDL-AMS? [1] 

A mixed-signal modeling language based on VHDL (IEEE 1076-1993)

A strict superset of VHDL (IEEE 1076.1-1999), AMS => Analog / Mixed Signal Extensions

Represents complex models directly

Can also model non-electrical physical phenomena

  1. Simplorer Built-in VHDL-AMS 

Select the model you are interested, right-click and press [Load Example] to understand how to use these models easily.

right-click the VHDL component in schematic window, and press [Edit Model] to view\edit the VHDL-AMS code.

[VHDL Model Editor] \ [Export Text As] , to export or save as another .vhd

[Tools] \ [Design Tools] \ [Create model and component from current schematic] is a useful function.

[Tools] \ [Pproject Tools] \ [Import Simplorer Models]

  1. VHDL-AMS Hands-on 

3.1 Use any text editor to edit a simple VHDL counter example (.vhd) as below

3.2 [Tools] \ [Pproject Tools] \ [Import Simplorer Models]

3.3 本例中,line25~28有四種寫法,Simplorer接受其中三種,但ModelSim支持四種全部

  1. VHDL Free Resource 

ModelSim PE Student

Scriptum : free VHDL and Verilog text editor

  1. Q&A

  2. Reference 

[1] Introduction To The VHDL-AMD Modeling Language, Scott Cooper, Mentor Graphics, 2007