
Home > 課程 > Q3D線上入門課程





Q3D應用與技術介紹, B站
-- Q3D Applications
-- Q3D Technical Concepts

Q3D操作環境初體驗, B站
-- User Interface
-- Build-in Resource (HELP, Example) and Simple Operating

Q3D建模與參數設定, B站, 範例
-- Basic modeling
-- Material assign
-- Parameter sweep

Q3D電容求解(一), B站, 範例
-- Solution Setup
-- Mesh and Convergence
-- Maxwell Matrix vs. SPICE Matrix
-- Something about Accuracy

Q3D電容求解(二), B站, 範例
-- Rule to set solution frequency
-- What is solution order
-- Physical meaning of G
-- Frequency sweep
-- Sweep C with frequency increasing

Q3D直流RL求解, B站, 範例
-- DC RL setup
-- Add source/sink for RL solving
-- Check DC RL mesh (FEM, tetrahedron)
-- Plot IR drop
-- What is "mutual R"?

Q3D交流RL求解(一), B站, 範例
-- Explain the DC, Transition, and AC regions in detail.
-- Three examples to show you how to get RL of any frequency correctly
-- "Thin Conductor" BC in Q3D

Q3D交流RL求解(二), B站
-- Why does the inductance decrease with the frequency increase?
-- Other interesting phenomenons of inductance

如何匯入PCB或BGA封裝設計到Q3D, B站, 範例
-- Supported ECAD Translations
-- The import method before 2018R1
-- The import method after 2018R2
-- 3D Export options in SIwave

Q3D分析後模型輸出, B站
-- What's the difference between the SPICE, S-parameter and IBIS Model?
-- How to export SPICE model correctly with Q3D?
-- What's the difference between the different IBIS (.pkg and .ibs)?
-- How to attach .pkg extracted by Q3D to .ibs for simulation?

